Title: Mister Lullaby Author: J.H. Markert Genre: Horror/Thriller Published: I received a copy for review through NetGalley. Strange things happen inside the tunnel in the town of Harrod's Reach. Mysterious murders, people found in comas, and a man becomes obsessed with the sound and voices he hears in a seashell found in the landlocked area. The door between another world and our own is weakening and monsters are trying to get through. Mister Lullaby has an interesting premise that mixes the fantastical and horrific. Despite intriguing odd occurrences happening in and around the tunnel and the possibility of a serial killer the first half of the novel is a bit disjointed and a slog. Several points of view leads to a delayed investment into the characters and their stories. Around the 50% point the stories start to converge in a satisfying way leading to a fight of good versus evil that is quite enjoyable. I would recommend this novel to those that might enjoy a mix of ...
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