Title: Hellweg's Keep
Author: Justin Holley
Genre: Science Fiction Horror
Published: November 14, 2023 by Flame Tree Press
I received a copy for review through NetGalley.
FBI agent Kendra Omen and a team of paranormal investigators with unique talents travel from the planet Terra to one of its moons Zeta One. They need to investigate the disappearance of a group of miners from the titanium mine below the surface. They become haunted by horrifying visions and what they find in the caverns below the mine is a nightmare in itself.
The characters in Hellweg's Keep are all very memorable whether likable or not. Most are likeable, especially the leader of the group Kendra. The dread and tension is set right away in the first part of the book. Then the team goes subterranean and the claustrophobia helps to boost those feelings through the roof. I am a huge fan of science fiction horror and this was the scariest I have read so far. I would recommend looking up content warnings before reading if you need to. There is one major one.
I recommend this novel to those that are looking for a psychological claustrophobic space adventure with vivid nightmare fuel.
My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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