Title: Cold, Black, & Infinite
Author:Todd Keisling
Genre: Horror Short Story Collection
Published: Sept. 1, 2023 by Cemetery Dance Publications
I received a copy for review through NetGalley.
Cold, Black, & infinite is a collection of sixteen short stories including three stories that were never previously published. The stories were all very well written and compulsively readable.The stories are separated into three sections Cold, Black, and Infinite.
The Cold section includes five stories that take place in cold settings including The Happytown Yuletide Massacre a Christmas slasher story and Black Friday which is a brilliant zombie story.
The Black section includes five stories that are very dark or deal with black magic. These are the stories that will really make your skin crawl.
In the Infinite section there are six stories that are on the strange side and most are cosmic horror. The story Holes in the Fabric was based in the same town as Keisling's novel Devil's Creek and has a connection to his novella The Final Reconciliation. It occurs after the events of the novel so it may be advisable to read it before the short story. I had no problem understanding without reading Devil's Creek, but I am not sure the extent of the spoilers.
The collection was really great overall. I would recommend the short story collection to seasoned fans of horror who are not easily offended. The author has included content warnings in the back of the book for each story and they are plentiful. You have been warned.
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars
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