Title: Bridge
Author: Lauren Beukes
Genre: Thriller/Speculative Fiction
Published: 8/8/23 by Mulholland Books
I received a copy for review through NetGalley.
Bridge is mourning the loss of her mother Jo to brain cancer. She is working on cleaning out her mom's house when she finds a "dreamworm", a drug that can help you visit alternate realities. This starts Bridge figuring out the mystery of dreamworm, and her mother's obsession with it. However, there are other dangerous people searching for the dreamworm as well.
Bridge's biggest strength was its' amazing premise. The mixture of speculative fiction elements within the thriller was very compelling. Bridge, Jo, and Dom were all great characters. Dom, Bridge's best friend, supports her on her path to discovery. The middle of the book felt a bit long with the best thriller moments not happening until about 70% in. Other than this issue with pacing this is one fascinating book.
I would recommend this book for those that want to explore alternate realities with Bridge.
My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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