Title: Alien Clay
Author: Adrian Tchaikovsky
Genre: Science Fiction
Published: 9/17/24 by Orbit Books
I received a copy for review through NetGalley.
Discover the planet Kiln with Professor Arton Daghdev. Imprisoned at an alien work camp by the tyrannical group The Mandate, he uses is skills as a xeno-ecologist to uncover the secrets that make the hostile planet tick. Can Daghdev and the rest of the prisoners survive Kiln and the Mandate?
This novel is a politically charged survival tale with a good bit of fascinating biology to discover about a very dangerous planet. It is a wonderful underdog story about fighting against tyranny and unfamiliar nature.
If you love political stories, survival stories, and science fiction stories this one will definitely appeal to you. I highly recommend it for fans of science fiction.
My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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