Title: The Darkest Night: 22 Winter Horror Stories Editor: Lindy Ryan Authors: Gwendolyn Kiste, Tim Waggoner, Josh Malerman, Hailey Piper, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Clay McLeod Chapman, Lindy Ryan, Christopher Brooks, Eric LaRocca, M. Rickert, Lee Murray, Cynthia Pelayo, Christopher Golden, Tim Lebbon, Kelsea Lu, Jessica McHugh, Nat Cassidy, Rachel Harrison, Thomas Hutson, Kristi deMeester, Sara Tantlinger, Darcy Coates, Jeff Strand, Mercedes M. Yardley, Jamie Flanagan Genre: Horror Published: 9/24/24 by Crooked Lane Books I received a copy for review through NetGalley. This anthology is the perfect read for the holiday season. The 22 stories are all winter themed with chilly snowy settings. A handful are specifically holiday themed and so much fun. The Mouthless Body in the Lake by Gwendolyn Kiste: A spooky and haunting start, but I wish it was not in 2nd person. (3 stars) Cold as Ice by Tim Waggoner: Another 2nd person story with a creepy creature. (3 stars) Chil...
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