Title: House of Bone and Rain
Author: Gabino Igesias
Genre: Horror/ Crime Thriller
Published: 8/6/24 by Mulholland Books
I received a copy for review from NetGalley.
Bimbo's mom is murdered by a drug lord in San Juan, Puerto Rico he and
his friends go on a quest of vengeance. Taking on a drug lord and all
his men is no easy task especially while Hurricane Maria is causing
havoc on the island.
Similar to Igesias' last novel,
The Devil Takes You Home, this novel is a mix of crime thriller with the
supernatural mixed in. In the midst of really bad decisions, there are
beautiful messages of friendship and family. The story is incredibly
brutal and bloody. Although the characters are committing crime they are
also very sympathetic. Having the story told by Gabe, Bimbo's best
friend, was a great way to get insight on why this group of 5 friends
would go to such great lengths to help there friends with very bad
I would recommend this book to fans of brutal crime fiction, and enjoy the supernatural as well.
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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