Title: The Drowning House
Author: Cherie Priest
Genre: Horror
Published: 7/23/24 by Poisoned Pen Press
I received a copy for review through NetGalley.
The night the house washes up on shore on an isolated island Mrs. Culpepper dies, and Simon Culpepper goes missing. It is up to Simon's childhood friends, Melissa and Leo, to find out the mysteries of the house and their friend's disappearance.
The Drowning House has a fantastic premise, a mysterious house washes up on the shore. Who can resist such a unique setup. This book is a bit of a slow burn, but that gave the time to develop a wonderful friendship between Simon, Melissa, and Leo. Plus, their strong connection to Mrs. Culpepper. Ultimately, this book was a fun read with magic, ghosts, and friendship.
I would recommend this novel for those that like a haunting, mysteries, and don't mind a slow burn.
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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