Title: Incidents Around the House
Author: Josh Malerman
Genre: Horror
Published: 6/25/24 by Del Ray
I received a copy for review through NetGalley.
Eight-year-old Bela lives with her Mommy, Daddo, and the thing in her closet called Other Mommy. She keeps asking to go into Bela's heart.
Anyone who has been scared of the monster in the closet or under the bed will appreciate how terrifying this novel is. A child in danger ramps up the scariness as well. The storytelling style is very unique being told from a young child's point of view. Seeing Bela's perspective of the actions of Other Mommy, and things going on between her parents is really interesting. There are a few truly scary scenes that get under the skin and linger. I highly recommend this novel for fans of the spooky.
My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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