Title: Spin a Black Yarn Author: Josh Malerman Genre: Horror/Speculative Fiction Published: August 15, 2023 by Random House I received a copy for review through NetGalley. Spin a Black Yarn is a collection of 5 novellas that have memorable new spins on common genre norms. Malerman takes on a haunted house, a serial killer, space travel, dangers of AI, and revenge. These are very familiar yet his stories are wholly unique and surprising as these themes are turned on their head. These are novellas I will not soon forget. Half the House is Haunted explores a brother and sister's relationship growing up in a house that was half haunted. What does that mean? Which half? 4 stars Argyle follows a dying man's confessions of dark twisted desires that he never acted on. This was really disturbing and effective story despite his lack of actual murder. 5 stars Jupiter Drop is about a man dealing with a tragic accident that decides to take a vacation to Jupiter where he will be able to...
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