Title: Dead of Winter
Author: Darcy Coates
Genre: Horror/ Mystery
Published: July 11, 2023 by Poisoned Pen Press
I received a copy for review through NetGalley.
Christa thought she was going on a romantic week in a secluded resort with the love of her life. What she got was a fight for survival as the tour group are taken out one by one in the middle of a storm that takes away all hopes of escape.
Dead of Winter is a fast-paced locked-room mystery slasher. It is a bloody, twisty, death-filled ride. How will the group fare against an ax murderer and the harsh winter conditions of the Rocky Mountains? This was a very effective mystery that keeps the reader guessing and the tension does not let up until the end. Darcy Coates is great at building atmosphere and a sense of dread. That is what makes Dead of Winter such a fast and enjoyable read.
I would highly recommend this novel for fans of locked-door mysteries and slasher novels. This one was full of twists and reveals that will keep you on your toes.
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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