Title: A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality
Series: Saffron Everleigh Book 2
Author: Kate Khavari
Genre: Historical Mystery
Published: June 6, 2023 by Crooked Lane Books
I received a copy for review through NetGalley.
The second book in the Saffron Everleigh series brings us back to 1920's London. Saffron Everleigh is doing research about poisonous plants with Dr. Michael Lee at the University College of London when approached by Detective Inspector Green to consult on another case for the police. This time a killer is leaving poisonous bouquets at their murder sites. So Everleigh and Lee find themselves entangled in the case in order to help catch the killer.
This novel has a great cast of characters, a great historical setting, and a tightly plotted mystery that is a lot of fun to investigate along with Saffron and Lee. Saffron is an ambitious and brilliant botanist who is fighting to prove her worth in a setting that does not believe women belong. Somehow this series makes botany super exciting by bringing in crime and sleuthing of the botanic variety. This mystery will keep you guessing while still keeping its cozy feel.
I recommend this series starting with A Botanist's Guide to Poisons and Parties as well as this second installment to fans of historical novels and mysteries.
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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