Title: Little Eve
Author: Catriona Ward
Genre: Horror
Published: October, 11, 2022 by Tor Nightfire
I received a copy through NetGalley.
On the wind-battered isle of Altnaharra, off the wildest coast of Scotland, a clan prepares to bring about the end of the world and its imminent rebirth.
The Adder is coming and one of their number will inherit its powers. They all want the honor, but young Eve is willing to do anything for the distinction.
A reckoning beyond Eve’s imagination begins when Chief Inspector Black arrives to investigate a brutal murder and their sacred ceremony goes terribly wrong.
And soon all the secrets of Altnaharra will be uncovered. Goodreads
Catriona Ward's writing style is really engaging and hooks the reader right from the start. Little Eve was a gothic, historical, cult horror story. It has a great start to start the mystery of what happened on Altnaharra Island. Then the secrets are revealed slowly with big reveals saved for the exciting climax. The middle section did slump in pacing, but the story was still very enjoyable. The setting of Altnaharra Island off the coast of rural Scotland created a dark, bleak, isolated atmosphere.
I would recommend this book to fans of gothic stories or cult stories. Those that love mysteries in their books are going to like this one as well. This is a book that starts with a horrible event and ends with a horrible revelation.
My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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