Title: The Gravity of Existence Author: Christina Sng Genre: Poetry (Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy) Published: 12/5/22 by Interstellar Flight Press I received a copy for review through NetGalley. This is a really great collection of poetry. There are horror, science fiction and fantasy poems included. It is divided into sections of various themes. Those themes include monsters, ghost stories, fairy tales, innovations in science, death and sickness, apocalyptic, and space travel. Each poem was very short, from a few lines to only a few going on to a second page. I will say that the fairy tale section was my least favorite of the collection, and that may come done to personal preference. I loved every other section. These are the kinds of ideas and stories I love to read about the most. Some poems were heartfelt and touching, some were interesting thought experiments, and some were positively spooky. I really enjoyed the use of language and word choice included. I...
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