Title: The Hand That Pulls You Under: Tales of Absurdity and Lunacy
Author: James Flynn
Genre: Science Fiction Horror short story collection
Published: December 10, 2021
Thank you to the author for providing a copy for review.
This collection contains 10 short stories with very creative ideas that blend science fiction, and/or psychological with a lot of horror. This happens to be a big winning combination for me. These stories were disturbing and mind-bending. I absolutely loved most of the stories. A couple of the stories were not for me, because of the content. I am not a fan of graphic sex or animal death in my horror stories. Each story started with a poem that gave a little information on the story which was a really nice addition. Since the aim of these stories was to bring the reader to unsettle and disturb I think they were all very effective.
The Residents of Hilltop Harrows (4.5 stars)- A drifter takes up residence in an abandoned building full of squatters filled with toxic mushrooms that have unexpected effects on the residents. I knew I was in for a ride after reading this bizarre opening story.
Buried Memory (4.5 stars)- A man decides to go to a company that will take away painful memories and replace them with the memories of others. Too bad a memory he receives is murderous. A interesting concept and great execution.
The Drifter (4.5 Stars)- A strange figure is caught in photographs over an impossible stretch of years. A creepy story with a very cool science fiction angle.
Sadistic Climax (2 stars)- This story was one that was not my favorite. There was an interesting science fiction element with an empathy lacking alien race come to Earth, but it wasn't enough to make up for the excessive animal death, and orgy sex, and torture.
Be Careful What You Wish For (4.5 stars)- A really creepy story of an author that goes too far to reach cult classic status with his new novel. This one didn't have any science involved, but it did leave me thinking just the same.
Pussy Payback (4 stars)- A story of revenge in the suburbs originating in the mistaken identification of a pet cat. It was a calamity of misunderstandings.
The Infinite Joyride (4 stars)- Swingers vacation in space takes some unexpected turns when their pleasure cruise goes off course. This one does have graphic sex, and some amazing science fiction elements that blew me away.
Guilt Trip (4.5 stars)- A man returns to an abandoned building where something traumatic happened to a friend when they were on LSD when they were teenagers. This story went to unexpected places. Such a great story.
Planetary Perpetrator (4.5 stars)- An AI judge tries to determine who is to blame in a tragic traffic accident that resulted in the death of a child.
The House of Human Pleasures (2.5 stars)- A couple of sex addicts, who's taste gets more and more violent, find a mansion that promises all their sexual desires fulfilled. Again this story was not really to my liking. To each their own. Others may get more out of the swinger centered stories.
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.
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