Title: Dark Stars: New Tales of Darkest Horror Editor: John F. D. Taff Authors: Caroline Kepnes, Ramsey Campbell, Priya Sharma, Livia Llewellyn, Stephen Graham Jones, Chesya Burke, Alma Katsu, John F. D. Taff, Gemma Files, Josh Malerman, Usman T. Malik, John Langan Genre: Horror Published: May 10, 2022 by Tor Nightfire I recieved a copy for review from the publisher through NetGalley. I liked this collection of Novelettes from some of the top names in horror and thrillers today. All the stories were well written with really interesting concepts. I was left thinking that I wished they would have gone further or were shorter. I think the title was a bit misleading. The stories could have been darker to be considered "darkest horror". Like most collections I enjoyed some stories more than others. There were a couple stand out stories that I think really delivered. I will give some of my thoughts on the individual stories. Overall, I think this is an approachable collecti...
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