Title: The Echo Man
Author: Sam Holland
Genre: Thriller
Published: April 5, 2022 by Crooked Lane Books
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a copy for review.
This story follows detectives as they try to catch a copycat serial killer who is recreating scenes from many notorious serial killers. This was a brutal thriller with a high body count. Sections written from the perspective of the serial killer were very hard to read. The story moves along at a quick pace with some surprises. This novel led me into a dark rabbit hole of serial killer true crime documentaries. The content was right at the edge of what I can handle reading. As you may know some of the serial killer's crimes in the past have been very violent and horrible. So if you can't handle reading graphic violence and sexual assault this book will be one to skip. But there is also some great characters, including a couple survivors, finding solace in each other. This is a very effective debut thriller that does not hold back.
My Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
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