Title: The City of Dusk Series: The Dark Gods #1 Author: Tara Sim Genre: Fantasy Published: 3/22/22 by Orbit Books Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy for review. The City of Dusk has four noble houses each with a different kind of magic. The heirs of each house form an alliance to bring the gods favor back to their kingdom before it is too late. This is the first book in a dark fantasy trilogy. It delivered big time on the dark magic. This book with filled with necromancy and shadow magic. There were a lot of different characters that were hard to follow at times. However, the plot was deliciously dark with great action sequences and plenty of reveals that made this a very enjoyable read. I will say it was a bit on the long side so I would put aside a significant chunk of time to get through this one. The magic system, religion with the gods, and politics of this world were all great. I would recommend this book for fans of dark fantasy. My ...
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