Title: Beneath the Stairs
Author: Jennifer Fawcett
Genre: Thriller/Haunted House story
Published: Feb. 22,2022 by Atria Books
I received an advanced copy from Atria through NetGalley for review.
Octagon House has a dark past. The original family that lived there met a horrible violent end. Now it sits empty. Venturing into this house ends up being a traumatic experience for Clare and Abby. Twenty years later, Abby is in a coma after going back into the house. Abby comes back to be with her friend and find out why she she would go back to Octagon House.
I really enjoyed the mix of thriller and horror elements. This was an engaging story with interesting characters that had just enough of the spooky atmosphere that I love. I really enjoyed learning more about the main characters lives as teens and adults as well as the history of the haunted house. This is a great story of overcoming fear and trauma. The house scenes felt very claustrophobic in the best creepy way. If you are looking for a thriller with some horror elements I would recommend giving Beneath the Stairs a read.
TW: This story deals with very serious topics such as miscarriage, attempted suicide, and mental illness.
My Rating: 4 out of 5
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