Title: The House of Dust
Author: Noah Broyles
Genre: Southern Gothic/Folk Horror
Published: Inkshares Oct. 5, 2021
I received a copy from NetGalley for review. Thank you to Inkshares, NetGalley, and the author.
A writer for Southern Gothic magazine travels the American South writing articles about the small towns he encounters. His latest town Three Summers, Tennessee may be hiding much more sinister secrets than the average. He uncovers a very strange past that all centers around the people that have lived in The House of Dust over the years.
This story follows multiple perspectives over several different timelines of people who have lived in this old worn down plantation house. These timelines could be hard to follow at times, but became more clear and distinct as the story went on. As a story that covers a century of residents this was not a fast read. At nearly 450 pages it is quite a time investment, but it is an investment worth making.
The setting of this rural Tennessee town was dripping with southern gothic atmosphere. The poverty stricken town and decaying opulence of the plantation house create an undeniable dark mood. A lot of time is spent on creating this ambiance. Cults, crimes, violence, and death are all being caused by something living in The House of Dust.
If you are looking for a chilling folk horror story with a ton of southern gothic atmosphere spanning generations I would recommend this novel for you.
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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