Title: Diabolica Americana: A Dark States Horror Compendium Editor: Keith Anthony Baird Genre: Horror Published: Oct. 28, 2021 Thank you to the editor for providing a copy to me for review. Overall Diabolica Americana is a charity anthology that is filled to the brim with the talent of so many great authors writing horror today from all across the United States. Every story is a different look at America in the most sinister of situations. The stories are varied in when they take place and the horrors within. There are stories about voodoo, witchcraft, creatures, and very real human monsters. These pages will keep you entertained to the last page. There is something in this anthology for every horror reader, and I highly recommend picking it up. Individual Stories The anthology starts with a great Introduction by Eric LaRocca. Night and Day and In Between by Jonathan Janz- 5 stars- Creature story taking place in the silent film era in California with all...
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