Title: Waisted Author: Randy Susan Meyers Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Women's Fiction Published: May 21, 2019 by Atria Books I want to thank Atria Books and NetGalley for giving me a copy of Waisted for review. Alice and Daphne are both working mothers who struggle with their weight. Randy Susan Meyers explores issues of race and of course weight as they are experienced by these wonderful women. They sign up for a weight loss spa along with 5 other women, and agree to be filmed on their weight loss journey. They are promised a supportive and encouraging environment, but that is not what they get. The producers of this documentary are going to extremes to see what these women will do in order to lose weight. The contestants are pushed too far, and they decide to fight back. I found the main characters really interesting and relatable. This novel discusses issues that go along with being overweight in the minds of the women, their families, and society as a whole. Some ...
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