Title: Bound in Fate Series: Fallen Guardians Series Book 2 Author: E.F.Rose Genre: Paranormal Romance Published: 2016 A Guardian who yearns for more... Manuel has always wanted something beyond the world he found himself thrust into. Always helping his brothers, regardless of his own needs, he's never asked for anything…until a fiery redhead catches his eye. All he can see is her. However, with his brothers torn on their feelings concerning his growing love, he finds himself in a position he’s never been in before, making decisions that could alter his future. Can he get his brothers’ support when he needs it most? Or will he have to choose between the woman of his dreams and the family he’s always known? A woman destined to be his... Hayley has always known that fate had a plan for her. Even in her dreams, she's felt the pull of destiny. It wasn't until Manuel walked into her life that she realized all the roads had always lead to him...to helping him, to f...
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