Title: Into the Rift Author: Clay Harmon Series: The Rift Walker Series book 2 Genre: Fantasy Published: 7/2/24 by Solaris I received a copy for review through NetGalley. This second installment in The Rift Walker Series follows Jakar and Efadora as they leave Augustin to save his elemental friends he was enslaved with as a child. Also Smith Ester is tasked with finding the rhidium that was stolen by a group of rebels fighting against the Sovereign. This is a really fantasy series with a unique magic system and world building. All of the characters are interesting and complex. The characters do a lot of growing and changing. The plot is dark and propulsive. I highly recommend The Rift Walker Series starting with The Flames of Mira to fans of dark fantasy. This series has so much to love. My Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
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