Title: The Trials of Empire Author: Richard Swan Series: Empire of the Wolf Book 3 Genre: Epic Fantasy Published: 2/6/24 by Orbit Books I received a copy for review through NetGalley. The final installment in the Empire of the Wolf trilogy offers all the things to love in the the previous two books with a whole lot more intensity and brutality. The group of protagonists take on insurmountable odds to save the Empire of the Wolf to falling into the hands of Claver. The antagonist Claver and his demonic allies bring truly frightening horror elements and epic battles. Every novel in the trilogy has expanded the world and magic system in fascinating ways. This was a very satisfying finale to a series that has taken us on quite the journey. I highly recommend The Trials of Empire and the entire Empire of the Wolf trilogy to fans of epic fantasy. My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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