Title: The Witch in the Well Author: Camilla Bruce Genre: Thriller/horror Published: Oct.2, 2022 by Macmillan Publishing I received a copy for review through Netgalley. Ilsbeth Clark is accused of witchcraft after children turn up drown in a well in their small Norwegian town. Centuries later, Elena and Cathy are caught up in the mystery of the well and determined to write Ilsbeth's story. This horror/thriller story takes place in rural Norway. The small town combined with a crumbling manor house, the woods, and a creepy well with a lot of history combine to create the best dark dreary atmosphere. This story is told through journals, book entries, and blog posts to create a picture of the folklore surrounding the well and the alleged witch Ilsbeth Clark. I found that there were too many different characters and POV's to keep track. I would recommend this story to those that to dive into the history surrounding folklore. In this story the folklore really comes to life in...
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