Title: Stay Awake Author: Megan Goldin Genre: Thriller Published: 8/9/22 by St. Martin's Press I received a copy for review through Netgalley. Liv Reese wakes up in the back of a taxi with no memory of how she got there. She forgets the last two years every time she falls asleep. The police are looking for her as a suspect in a murder she doesn't remember committing. This was such a fast paced thriller with an unreliable narrator. Such an interesting way to follow someone in figuring out the truth. This is an enjoyable thriller that will leave the reader wanting to find out what really happened along with the main character. Since the main character keeps forgetting things when she falls asleep there ere some repetitive parts in the story as she retraces the first steps several times. There is some skipping around in time from two years ago, when she was first trying to figure out her past, and present day. Most of the time these time jumps were easy to keep track. I did fi...
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