Title: Age of Ash Series: The Kithamar Trilogy Author: Daniel Abraham Genre: Fantasy Published: Obit Books on 2/15/22 Alys lives in Longhill, the slums of Kithamar, where she holds many small jobs and works with a team of petty thieves to make ends meet. When her brother is murdered she takes on the task of finding out what happened to him with the help of her new friend Sammish. This was a very enjoyable first book in a new series from Daniel Abraham with room to get even better. The main focus of this story seemed to be to introduce the characters and the city of Kithamar. I was hooked into this story through the amazing character development. Seeing the city from Alys' eyes as she deals with class, poverty, grief, family, and friendship. Through most of the story it was not clear where the main plot was going. The story took its time, but ended up in a very intriguing place that will allow for a more exciting second book in the series. Age of Ash sets up a world an...
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