Title: Assassin's Orbit Author: John Appel Published: July 20, 2021 by Rebellion Publishing Genre: Science Fiction Thriller What's It About: On the eve of the planet Ileri's historic vote to join the Commonwealth, the assassination of a government minister threatens to shatter everything. Private investigator Noo Okereke and spy Meiko Ogawa join forces with police chief Toiwa to investigate - and discover clues that point disturbingly toward a threat humanity thought they had escaped. A threat that could destroy Ileri and spark an interplanetary war... unless the disparate team can work together to solve the mystery. Goodreads My Thoughts: There is a lot to love in this debut science fiction thriller novel. The pacing is fast, and the mystery thriller aspects of the story are written with a satisfying amount of suspense and intrigue. There is also a whole lot of diverse characters in this novel. All the characters are people of color, and there is even a charac...
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