Title: If I Die Before I Wake: Tales of Nightmare Creatures (The Better Off Dead Series Volume 4) Published: February 8, 2021 by Sinister Smile Press Thank you to The Team at Sinister Smile Press for providing a copy for review. This anthology was published February 8, 2021. Overall Thoughts This was a fantastic short story anthology. The best anthology I have read so far in my life. Each story was very well written. I was impressed with how the authors could pull me in with only about 20 pages to do so. Different interesting creatures throughout made this a great reading experience. This is creature horror at its best. I would recommend checking out this anthology and all the others in the Better Off Dead Series. Thoughts on Individual Stories (Note: All these stories were very high quality. I designated the stories that resonated the most with me 5 stars.) Forward by Jeff Strand managed to be hilarious and creepy. It had me cackling out loud. 5...
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