Title: Superluminary Author: Olivia Rising Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy Published: August 1st, 2018 Previously published as two separate books: Anathema: Transition and Anathema: Escalation. Two years ago, The Pulse—a sudden shift in Earth's electromagnetic field—caused a global blackout and wiped a minute from mankind’s collective memory. This event introduced superhuman powers to our world and changed everything as we knew it. Now two young women are caught in the chaos of a changing world: Christina Chung, an antisocial misfit whose force fields are fueled by the social bonds she broke during the event of her transition. Former coke addict Sarina Baumann, whose reality-altering power forces her to abandon everything she holds dear. The girls find themselves entangled with the renegade hero Radiant and the authorities that made him. The three must find a way—and a place—to be the heroes they're destined to become. But sometimes, even the heroes fall... Goo...
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